eKitEngine USG6000E-S Series Hardware Guide



Info-Finder is a tool platform. It allows you to search for key product information by product series and model. The key product information includes basic information such as the software specifications, life cycles, and hardware information, and operation and maintenance information such as the licenses, alarms, logs, commands, and MIBs. The hardware-related tools are as follows:
  • Product image gallery: provides product photos, Visio-format templates, and network element icons for you to produce design drawings and networking diagrams.
  • Hardware configuration: automatically generates hardware configuration diagrams after you select components are required and calculates the weight, power consumption, and heat consumption.
  • Hardware center: provides the technical specifications of devices and components, as well as the mapping between devices, components, and versions.
  • 3D model: Using this function, you can query product images, product overview, and component insertion/removal videos, enabling you to quickly obtain product information in one-stop mode.
Update Date:2024-04-22
Document ID:EDOC1100367893
Average rating:0.0Points

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