
OptiX OSN 8800(Optical Business|Optical Transmission Network|Enterprise Network WDM|OSN 8800&6800&3800|OptiX OSN 8800) Document List

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OSN 8800 T32

OptiX OSN 8800 Switching Platforms

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Mid-range 10/40/100 GE platform for integrated OTN/WDM/SDH networking. Carrier-grade reliability with up to 8 Tbit/s capacity ideal for core networks and Metropolitan Area Networks in broadcast television, Smart Grid electric power, and transportation industries.
S1720&S2700&S5700&S6720 V200R010C00 例行维护 S1720&S2700&S5700&S6720 V200R009C00 例行维护 S2750EI&S5700&S6720EI V200R008C00 例行维护 S2750EI&S5700 V200R007(C00&C10) 例行维护 S2750EI&S5700 V200R006C00 例行维护 S2750&S5700&S6700 V200R005(C00&C01&C02&C03) 例行维护 S2750&S5700&S6700 V200R003(C00&C02&C10) 例行维护 查看更多 >>

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