S1720, S2700, S5700, and S6720 V200R011C10 Configuration Guide - Device Management

This document describes the principles and configurations of the Device Management features, and provides configuration examples of these features.

Displaying the Temperature

Displaying the Temperature


When the device temperature is too high or too low, the hardware may be damaged. To obtain the current device temperature, use the following command to view the device temperature.


  • Run the display temperature { all | slot slot-id } command to view the device temperature.


How Can I Determine Whether the Device Temperature Is too High?

The device temperature is within the normal range if no high temperature alarm is generated on the device. The fan speed is automatically adjusted according to the temperature range to ensure that the device temperature is within the normal range.

The temperature range of a device varies according to device models. For details, see "Specifications" in the Hardware Description - Chassis.

The following is an example of high temperature alarms:
ENTITYTRAP_1. hwBrdTempAlarm 140544 
ENTITYTRAP/1/ENTITYBRDTEMPALARM: OID [oid] Temperature rise over or fall below the warning alarm threshold.(Index=[INTEGER], 
ThresholdEntityPhysicalIndex=[INTEGER],EntityPhysicalIndex=[INTEGER], PhysicalName="[OCTET]", EntityThresholdType=[INTEGER],
EntityThresholdValue=[INTEGER],EntityThresholdCurrent=[INTEGER], EntityTrapFaultID=[INTEGER])
SRM_1. hwTempRisingAlarm  
SRM/3/TEMPRISINGALARM:OID [OID] temperature over major threshold .(EntityPhysicalIndex=[INTEGER], BaseThresholdEntry_entPhys
icalIndex=[INTEGER], BaseThresholdEntry_hwBaseThresholdType=[INTEGER], BaseThresholdEntry_hwBaseThresholdIndex=[INTEGER], Ba
seTrapSeverity=[INTEGER], BaseTrapProbableCause=[INTEGER], BaseTrapEventType=[INTEGER], EntPhysicalName=[OCTET], BaseThresho
ldValue=[INTEGER], BaseThresholdUnit=[INTEGER], BaseThresholdHighWarning=[INTEGER], BaseThresholdHighCritical=[INTEGER])

Why Is a High Temperature Alarm Generated and How Can This Alarm Be Cleared?

Possible Causes for a High Temperature Alarm

  • The device is not ventilated well, which causes heat unable to be dissipated.

  • The ambient temperature of the device is too high.

  • The number of fans on the device is insufficient.

  • A fan on the device is faulty.

  • The chip temperature is high.

Troubleshooting a High Temperature Alarm

  1. Clean the air vent and check whether the alarm is cleared.

    (1) If so, go to step 10.

    (2) If not, go to step 2.

  2. Check whether the ambient temperature of the device is too high.

    (1) If so, go to step 3.

    (2) If not, go to step 4.

  3. Lower the temperature in the equipment room, and then go to step 4.

  4. Check whether a fan is installed in the fan slot.

    (1) If so, go to step 6.

    (2) If not, go to step 5.

  5. Add more fans, and then go to step 6.
  6. Run the display fan command to check whether any fan is faulty according to the status of fans.

    (1) If so, go to step 7.

    (2) If not, go to step 8.

  7. Replace the faulty fan, and then go to step 8.
  8. Run the display temperature all command to view the temperature of the device. Check whether the temperature is high.

    (1) If so, go to step 9.

    (2) If not, go to step 10.

  9. Contact technical support personnel.
  10. End.

Determining Whether a High Temperature Alarm Is Cleared

  1. This alarm is not displayed on the NMS.
  2. This alarm is not displayed when you run the display trapbuffer command to view the trap buffer.
  3. This alarm is not displayed when you run the terminal monitor and terminal trapping commands to view alarm information.